I've been aware of the signs ( NO ENTRY) posted at the beginning of the street but nobody seems to care about that anyway. I am not the only one using that short way out...I used to think the No Entry signs is in effect only during School Days (this is a common practice here) because there's a lot of schools around the area..
But luck is not on my side today..tsk tsk..I was happily driving down the street to the tune of BREATHLESS and lo and behold..as I turn the corner, there it was, a police mobile parked right there, waiting for unsuspecting and clueless drivers like me..I can only shake my head...phew!
Now I have to wait for a week or 10 days to go to the Traffic Dept and pay my penalties, which I just learned, was now raised to a whooping KD 250..Thats around 40 thousand pesos Ladies and Gentlemen...waaaaaaaaaah..............#%%^(^(&()*)(
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