artwork by patriciasoliani

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Zoe steals Ate Cianna's show

Today, April 1, our family went to Cianna's school for their Annual Family Fun Day- a day of fun-filled activities for the whole family. The students from all levels were divided into four (4)color-coded teams as the Red Scorpions, Pink Panthers, Green Dragons and the Yellow Tigers, complete with their own gimmicks and team cheer. Activities include a cheering competition, a team dancing competition, best muse and escort and of course, parlor games for parents and children.

Cianna was assigned to the Pink Panthers team so she came to the school wearing a Pink shirt and White shorts. To avoid any jealousy on her little sister's part, Mommy and I decided to make Zoe wear the same colors too. And she really made herself involved with the her sister's team, as she sat and mingle with them all the time.

Cianna's class performed an intermission number but to our surprise and delight, our youngest, Zoe escaped from her Mommy's arms and decided to join her sister. She just ignored Mommy's call for her to come back to her seat as she stubbornly remained on the floor.

Here's the video of their number. Warning: the best part is towards the!

There she was causing a small distraction by trying to get hold of a girl's hoola-hoop, then making her own cute poses and dancing...completely out-staging and stealing the show from her sister and the whole class!

All in all, it was a fun girls really enjoyed it..And so did I.

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